About Us
City Farmer teaches people how to grow food in the city, compost their waste and take care of their home landscape in an environmentally responsible way. When visiting Vancouver, British Columbia, visit our staff at the Vancouver Compost Demonstration Garden, 2150 Maple Street, and see how we take care of our urban landscape. See our climate adaptation garden, green roof, cob shed, organic food garden, permeable lane, natural lawn, waterwise garden, worm and backyard composters and more. 604.736.225
Our current news site, updated daily, is City Farmer News (www.cityfarmer.info). City Farmer’s first web site, Urban Agriculture Notes (www.cityfarmer.org) began in 1994, was the first web site on the Internet to publish information about urban farming. These Internet websites grew out of our newspaper publication, City Farmer, which began in 1978.